84 research outputs found

    Optimal staff assignment to multiple projects based on efficiency scores

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    Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je razvoj novog pristupa selekciji konsultanata i njihovo optimalno raspoređivanje na određene pozicije (aktivnosti) na jednom ili više projekata. Adekvatan plan rasporeda konsultanata se prepoznaje kao jedan od najvažnijih faktora za efikasnu i pravovremenu realizaciju jednog ili više projekata čije aktivnosti mogu da se odvijaju istovremeno, a da se pri tome poštuju kadrovska i budžetska ograničenja. Ovaj problem je nepolinomijalne složenosti (NP težak) odnosno postaje sve složeniji sa povećanjem dimenzija odnosno broja projekata, broja kosultanata i aktivnosti koje je neophodno realizovati. Donosilac odluke bi trebalo da se vodi jedinstvenim kriterijumom pri određivanju rasporeda tako da uspešno kreira balansiran i efikasan plan rasporeda konsultanata. Efikasnost plana zavisi od različitih ulaznih i izlaznih kriterijuma kao što su obučenost i kvalifikacije konsultanta ali i njihova cena i ocene pri realizaciji sličnih aktivnosti u prošlosti. Očigledno je da je priroda kriterijuma različita i da oni po svojoj prirodi mogu biti i kvantitativni i kvalitativni, što dalje otežava modeliranje procesa i određivanje jedinstvene mere efikasnosti. Prema tome, osnovno je pitanje kako da se kreira efikasan raspored koji će obezbediti optimalno angažovanje raspoloživih konsultanata na više poslova na jednom ili više projekata koji se odvijaju istovremeno, posebno ukoliko nekoliko konsultanata može da realizuje istu aktivnost sa različitim učinkom odnosno nivoom perfomansi. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji se predlaže korišćenje i proširivanje modela analize obavijanja podataka (DEA - Data Envelopment Analysis) kao tehnike pomoću koje se integrišu svi ulazni i izlazni kriterijumi i kreira se jedna mera kojom se ocenjuje efikasnost. Predloženo proširenje se odnosi na kreiranje odgovarajućeg DEA modela mešovitog (celobrojnog) linearnog programiranja pomoću koga se istovremeno ocenjuje efikasnost i vrši raspoređivanje konsultanata na pozicije (aktivnosti) na jednom ili više projekata. Kao rezultat optimizacije dobija se jedinstvena ocena efikasnosti za svakog konsultanta za svaku potencijalnu aktivnost na osnovu istorijskih podataka o ključnim indikatorima performansi, simultano sa njihovim dodeljivanjem aktivnostima koje će izvršavati tako da se maksimizira ukupna efikasnost realizacije svih aktivnosti na svim projektima.The main subject in this dissertation is development of a new approach to the selection of staff and their optimal assignment to certain positions in one or more simultaneous projects. An adequate staff assignment is recognized as one of the most important factors for the efficient and timely implementation of projects whose activities can take place at the same time. This problem is very complex and becomes more and more complicated with the increase in the number of projects, the number of staff and the activities that need to be realized. The decision maker should be guided by a unique criterion so that it successfully creates a balanced and efficient assignment plan. The efficiency depends on different input and output criteria, such as the training and qualifications of the staff, but also their costs and scores in the implementation of similar activities in the past. It is obvious that the nature of the criteria is different and they can be both quantitative and qualitative, which further complicates the process of interlacing and the determination of a single measure of efficiency. Therefore, the fundamental question is how to streamline an effective schedule that will ensure optimum engagement of available staff on multiple activities in one or more projects that take place at the same time, especially if several staff members can implement the same activity with different level of performance. This doctoral dissertation proposes using and modification of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a technique that integrates all input and output criteria and creates a single measure of efficiency. The proposed modification refers to the creation of an appropriate mixed-integer linear programming DEA model, which simultaneously assesses the efficiency and make the assignment plan of the staff member to positions (activities) in one or more projects. As a result of optimization, a unique assessment of efficiency for each staff member for each potential activity is obtained based on historical data on key performance indicators, simultaneously with their assignment to activities to be performed in order to maximize the overall efficiency of the implementation of all activities on all projects

    Religious interpretations of Njegos Религиозные интерпретации Његоша

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    Сврха ове дисертације је да укаже на значај и улогу коју Петар II Петровић Његош има, не само у књижевности, о којој је доста писано, већ и у мање тумаченој теологији. Његош је веровао у Бога и да је све у природи Његово дело па тако и човек који је створен по Његовом лику. Наука покушава да докаже да је човек еволуирао од животиње и тако елиминише утицај Бога на стварање човека и Његово деловање на људски живот. Анализом Његошеве религиозне мисли и њеним довођењем у везу са теолошким истраживањима Николаја Велимировића и Атанасија Јевтића циљ ми је да пронађем одговор на многа теолошка и антрополошка питања, као и да сагледам значај религије на живот људи данашњице. Сведоци смо да људи у савременом свету нису превише одмакли од свог претка Адама те да са поносом показују Сатанине особине, не слутећи колико су опасне јер су узрок већине, ако не и свих, смртних грехова. Бог је људима дао љубав да је шире ка Богу и браћи својој, јер једино љубављу човек испуњава Божји закон и осваја небеско царство. Ниједан смртник „ограниченог“ сазнања нема одговор на питања о будућем животу нити о своме пореклу. Једино смрт пружа одговор на сва питања која муче човечанство. Одлазак у смрт значи одбацивање ништавног тела и поновно успостављање бесмртности за искрено покајане и причешћене душе које су добровољно жртвовале живот зарад спасења човечанства. За овакву смрт су се након Исуса Христа определили Милош Обилић и косовски јунаци, а на крају се на поменуту линију спасења човечанства наставља Његош који је свој трагични боравак на Земљи доживљавао као предодређеност од Бога и који је тежио да свој народ врати на хришћански пут спасења.The purpose of this dissertation is to point out the significance and role that Petar II Petrovic Njegos has, not only in literature, about which a lot has been written, but also in less interpreted theology. Njegos believed in God and that everything in nature is His work, including man who was created in His image. Science tries to prove that man evolved from an animal and thus eliminates the influence of God on the creation of man and His action on human life. By analyzing Njegos's religious thought and bringing it into connection with the theological research of Nikolaj Velimirovic and Atanasije Jevtic, my goal is to find the answer to many theological and anthropological questions, as well as to see the importance of religion on the lives of today's people. We are witnesses that people in the modern world have not moved too far away from their ancestor Adam, and that they proudly show Satan’s qualities, not realizing how they are dangerous because they are the cause of most, if not all, mortal sins. God gave people the love to spread it towards God and his brothers, because only with love man does fulfill God’s law and conquer the kingdom of heaven. No mortal of "limited" knowledge has an answer to questions about future life or his origin. Only death provides the answer to all the questions that plague humanity. Going to death means rejecting the worthless body and re-establishing immortality for sincerely repentant and communion souls who have voluntarily sacrificed their lives for the salvation of mankind. After Jesus Christ, Milos Obilic and the heroes of Kosovo decided on this kind of death, and in the end, Njegos, who experienced his tragic stay on Earth as a predestination from God and who sought to return his people to the Christian path of salvation, continues on the mentioned line of human salvation


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    Abstract: In this paper we propose a combined AHP-IBA model for selecting the best SAP consultant for an SAP ERP project. The goal of the SAP Project Manager is to choose the best consultant, the one who is able to implement standard SAP functionalities with quality and on time.When making a decision on the basis of multiple criteria, the traditional Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method does not take into account the fact that attributes may correlate, assuming that there are no dependencies between them. However, the dependencies of the attributes can often be used to model important knowledge for multiple criteria decision analysis. We propose an extension to the traditional AHP method by applying Interpolative realization of Boolean algebra (IBA), using AHP to determine the criteria weights, and IBA to model the logical interactions among criteria. The research conducted on ERP consultant selection suggests that the decision making process is modelled more accurately if logical interactions between attributes are modelled before applying AH


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    Rad obrađuje dinamičko ispitivanje sustava automatskog upravljanja kursom broda sa slijednim sustavom i uporabom složenog regulatora koji djeluje prema zakonu proporcionalnih, integralnih i derivacijskih regulatora.· Pri ispitivanju rabi se sustav dinamičko simulacijska modulacijska metodologija koja je jedna od najprikladnijih i najučinkovitijih putova za dinamičko modeliranje kompleksnih nelinearnih prirodnih, organizacijskih i tehničkih sustava. U radu su prikazani: - sustav dinamički model broda sa slijednim sustavom upravljanja i PID-regulatorom, - sustav-dinamički strukturni model, - sustav-dinamički kompjutorski model. Autori predlažu uporabu prikazanih modela pri dizajniranju novih konstrukcija kormilarskih sustava, pri dijagnosticiranju postojećih konstrukcija i pri nastavnim procesima koji omogućuju skraćivanje potrebnog vremena za izlaganje i kreativna uključivanje studenata u rad

    Root-Associated Fungal Communities From Two Phenologically Contrasting Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) Groups of Trees

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    Root-associated fungal communities are important components in ecosystem processes, impacting plant growth and vigor by influencing the quality, direction, and flow of nutrients and water between plants and fungi. Linkages of plant phenological characteristics with belowground root-associated fungal communities have rarely been investigated, and thus our aim was to search for an interplay between contrasting phenology of host ectomycorrhizal trees from the same location and root-associated fungal communities (ectomycorrhizal, endophytic, saprotrophic and pathogenic root-associated fungi) in young and in adult silver fir trees. The study was performed in a managed silver fir forest site. Twenty-four soil samples collected under two phenologically contrasting silver fir groups were analyzed for differences in root-associated fungal communities using Illumina sequencing of a total root-associated fungal community. Significant differences in beta diversity and in mean alpha diversity were confirmed for overall community of ectomycorrhizal root-associated fungi, whereas for ecologically different non-ectomycorrhizal root-associated fungal communities the differences were significant only for beta diversity and not for mean alpha diversity. At genus level root-associated fungal communities differed significantly between early and late flushing young and adult silver fir trees. We discuss the interactions through which the phenology of host plants either drives or is driven by the root-associated fungal communities in conditions of a sustainably co-naturally managed silver fir forest

    Possibilities of waste sulfur valorization in eco-friendly products

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    Modifikacija konvencionalnih građevinskih materijala obično se izvodi upotrebom različitih otpadnih materijala. U ovom istraživanju biće prikazana upotreba sekundarnog sumpora kao veziva u betonu. Sumporni beton je termoplastični kompozit koji se sastoji od mineralnog agregata i punila, sa sumporom kao vezivom na temperaturi višoj od tačke očvršćavanja sumpora. Ovaj relativno nov građevinski materijal može da zameni konvencionalni Portland cementni beton u raznim konstrukcijama. U ovom radu biće prikazana svojstva sumpornog betona, kao i rezultati ispitivanja njegove postojanosti u agresivnim sredinama. U cilju ispitivanja svojstava, primenjene su destruktivne i nedestruktivne metode, dok su svojstva korelisana sa strukturom materijala.Predavanje po pozivu (plenarno) - Dr Sanja Martinović / Invited lecture (plenary) - Dr. Sanja Martinovi

    Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy analysis of mechanochemical transformation kinetics of sodium carbonate to bicarbonate

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    During mechanical activation, qualitative changes that can produce various phenomena occur in the material. In this study, anhydrous sodium carbonate was mechanically activated for 2, 7, 14, and 28 minutes in a vibro mill at a frequency of 3000 oscillations per minute. After activation, four series of activated samples were stored in the air at room conditions for 31 days (relaxation period). To monitor the kinetics of the transformation process of activated sodium carbonate samples, i.e. the mechanism of sodium bicarbonate formation during relaxation, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis was used. FTIR testing was performed as a function of relaxation time for all four series of samples, with characteristic groups observed: CO32-, HCO3- and OH-. The obtained results provided kinetics parameters for the transformation of sodium carbonate into sodium bicarbonate due to the chemisorption of moisture and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Током механичке активације у материјалу се јављају квалитативне промене које могу произвести различите појаве. У овој студији, анхидровани натријум карбонат је механички активиран током 2, 7, 14 и 28 минута у вибро млину при фреквенцији од 3000 осцилација у минути. Након активације, четири серије активираних узорака су чуване на ваздуху у собним условима 31 дан (период релаксације). За праћење кинетике процеса трансформације узорака активираног натријум карбоната, односно механизма формирања натријум бикарбоната током релаксације, коришћена је FTIR спектроскопска анализа. Испитивање је извршено у функцији времена релаксације за све четири серије узорака, посматрањем карактеристичних група: CO3 2- , HCO3- и OH- . На основу резултата, добијени су кинетички параметри трансформације натријум карбоната у натријум бикарбонат услед хемисорпције влаге и угљен-диоксида из атмосфере

    Application of mechanochemically activated sodium carbonate in environmental protection

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    Sodium carbonate samples were mechanically activated in a vibro mill. The increase in the free surface area of the activated samples was monitored by the BET method and the state of the crystal lattice by the diffraction method. The analysis of the results showed a significant increase in the free surface of the activated material as well as significant changes in the crystal structure of the samples due to grinding in a vibro mill. Such activation of sodium carbonate would enable a significant increase in the sorption properties of sodium carbonate and thus its application in environmental protection

    Uticaj mehanohemijske aktivacije komponenti na sintezu kordijeritne keramike za primenu u elektronici

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    The properties of cordierite, 2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2, makes this ceramics nowadays an attractive material, which can be used for various applications in electronics. As the sintering temperature of cordierite is very high (1375 °C), any decrease in the temperature at which cordierite is formed leads to economic benefits. Therefore, in this study, the mechanochemical activation of the initial components mixture for the synthesis of cordierite was applied with the aim to lower its sintering temperature. The effects of mechanochemical activation on the cordierite mixture were investigated. Changes in the specific surface area of the activated components were determined by the BET method. The TG method and mass loss were used to monitor the temperature- induced changes in the analyzed threecomponent system. Based on the obtained results, increase in specific surface area and weight loss with increasing activation time, a decrease in cordierite sintering temperature is expected.Kordijerit, 2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2, zbog svojih svojstava predstavlja izuzetno atraktivan keramički materijal koji se može primeniti u elektronici za različite namene. Kako je temperatura sinterovanja kordijerita veoma visoka (1375 °C), svako sniženje temperature na kojoj se formira kordijerit donosi ekonomski benefit. Zbog toga je u ovom radu primenjena metoda mehanohemijske aktivacije smeše polaznih komponenti za sintezu kordijerita sa ciljem sniženja njegove temperature sinterovanja. Ispitivani su efekti mehanohemijske aktivacije na kordijeritnu smešu. Povećanje specifične površine aktiviranih polaznih komponenti je praćeno BET metodom. TG metoda i gubitak mase primenjeni su za praćenje promena uslovljenih temperaturom u analiziranom trokomponentnom sistemu. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, povećanja specifične površine i gubitka mase sa povećanjem vremena aktivacije, očekuje se sniženje temperature sinterovanja kordijerita

    Uticaj vremena relaksacije aktivirane smeše na sintezu keramike za namenu u elektronici

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    Due to its properties, cordierite, 2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2, is nowadays an attractive ceramic material for various applications but with very high sintering temperature. Mechanochemical activation of the initial components mixture was performed in order to decrease the sintering temperature. DTA method was used to monitor the temperature induced changes in the analyzed three-component system. Since previous research has pointed out that the relaxation time can influence the activated components in terms of chemical changes and the activation degree, it was important to determine whether it has an impact on the observed activated system. The influence of the relaxation time on the activated components mixture was analyzed by FT IR spectroscopy of both the initial components and the activated mixture after 24h and 24 months relaxation periods.Zahvaljujući svojim svojstvima, kordijerit, 2MgO·2Al2O3·5SiO2, danas je atraktivan keramički materijal za razne primene, ali sa vrlo visokom temperaturom sinterovanja. Mehanohemijska aktivacija smeše početnih komponenti izvedena je da bi se snizila temperatura sinterovanja. DTA metoda je korišćena za praćenje temperaturnih promena u analiziranom trokomponentnom sistemu. Kako je ranijim istraživanjima utvrđeno da vreme relaksacije može da utiče na aktivirane komponente u smislu hemijskih promena i stepena aktiviranosti, bilo je značajno utvrditi ima li uticaj i na posmatrani aktivirani system. Uticaj vremena relaksacije na smešu aktiviranih komponenata analiziran je FT IR spektroskopijom i početnih komponenti i aktivirane smeše nakon 24h i 24 meseca perioda relaksacije